Therapy writing(s)

Can you write while you are emotional?

This is a question for you and me both…

Ștefan Pleșca
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2022


Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash

Before I begin

I know firsthand that putting my thoughts on paper has a major impact on my clarity of thought. The following series, starting with this article, will go deeper into emotions and sensible contexts, which will help me clear my mind, and you, hopefully, be inspired to do the same. Can writing be used as therapy? The answer is definitely yes! There is also the term “writing therapy,” so how could this exist without its factual applicability? :)

“Writing therapy, also known as journal therapy, is exactly what it sounds like — journaling for therapeutic benefits.

Writing therapy is a low-cost, easily accessible, and versatile form of therapy. It can be done individually, with just a person and his pen, or it can be guided by a mental health professional. It can be practiced in a group, with group discussions focusing on writing. It can even be added as a supplement to another form of therapy.” - from here.

Emotions grow with us, from the day we are born, till the day we die. And in this “growth,” they evolve and change and shift like a never-ending river.

Full disclosure here: this series of stories is not meant to be a journal, although I am doing it therapeutically for myself, but to tame my daemons and to try to help others by inspiring them to do the same or at least be better with themselves.

Sometimes just forgiving yourself would mean everything to you…

Already started

My writing has changed over the years. My emotions too. When I was young, I used to be very positive, and after that, I started being dark and rational. I think the writing also reflects my general emotions related to the world.

Now I think I am a combination of the two extremes, emphasizing “really understanding” the core of my feelings. (this is the new addition to my writing style)

Also, for two years, nine months, four days, 5 hours, and 34 minutes I am a dad, but who’s counting? This newness in my life also came with emotions. Things that I have never felt before.

Caring for someone who can not care for himself.

This is full of challenges; if you are a parent, you will fully understand the “challenging part.” Well, everything changed and is continuing to change with each day that passes.

Frustration, although not desirable, is there!

This is my “now context,” and although technical things I can handle under pressure, even with high-intensity emotions, writing… not so much.

To answer the question I provoked you with, “Can you write while you are emotional?” I can write titles or small drafts when I am emotional but not put all the sense in one place.

After starting to take time to write again, I felt relief. I remembered how much I liked it, and this was my moment. A moment to empty my head and soul on a piece of paper (or editor :).

I know there are a lot of methods out there to get you into the mood for therapeutic writing, like letters to your future self, forgiving essays, and so on. I recommend, if you want to go deeper, and explore most of them, read “15 Journaling exercises help you heal, grow and thrive” and “5 therapeutic writing exercises”. (simple helpful reads)

My method is quite chaotic and unstructured. If you feel it suits you, please use it, otherwise, try the methods from the cited works above.

I start by writing words, words that come to my mind, comma-separated. After I have emptied my mind of the words from the entire day, I start by writing simple sentences and messages that I forgot, or I should have said to my wife, my kid, my dog, my friends, and my colleagues.

After the exercise is finished, I try to breathe for five to ten minutes and then read what I wrote down. While doing so, I do a “closure” on my day, the things that went well and the things that I messed up. I try to forgive myself and promise that I will try to do better next time.

And this is extremely important:

It is a promise without judgemental calls or punishments attached to it. Just a good thought sent to myself and the universe that next time I will TRY to do better.

Before I leave

Can you write while you are emotional? I would love to read your opinion on this. Now, pick a pen and a piece of paper, and write down all your fears, regrets, and everything in between that you think holds you back.

You may cry, you may be angry or furious, everything is allowed while dealing with YOUR emotions. This is your list of “therapy titles.” Start writing about one of them.



Ștefan Pleșca

I’m a creative senior DevOps engineer, AWS and Azure certified, fluent in Linux, Windows, scripting, and infrastructure automation. 100% Challenge driven! :-)